Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Malachite in Es Pla de Mar.

For years I had wanted to follow the trace of the malachite mineral that was extracted in Menorca from very ancient times. Experts say that mining has been carried out in the island from prehistoric times up until the end of the 19th century. 

Although there is no clear evidence of this, the filon that alternates malachite and lignite crosses the cliff and it is so colorful that it is not difficult to think that these small nodules that of mineral that appear could be collected and worked in small scale, as it happens in many other prehistoric communities.

Macar d'Alfurinet.
Copper mineral Thread

Malachite (a Copper Carbonate Hydroxide) is a famous semi-precious stone. The stone's name comes (via Latin and French) from the Greek molochitis, "mallow-green stone", from molochē, variant of malachē, "mallow". Its banded light and dark green layers are so characteristic that malachite is easily recognized, even by non-specialists. The beautiful green of Malachite has been known for millenia. It was mined by ancient civilizations, and when ground to a powder it was used as a pigment.

Malachite is typically associated with copper deposits within limestones (limestone being the source of the carbon in Malachite). 

Malachite from Es Pla de Mar.

Thus, and based on quotations from old archaeological works and more recent works on the history of local mining, we were looking for ore veins in the area of Costa de Alfurí, Cala Pilar and Bombarda until we found the old mines.

Nearby farm Sant Bernat

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